Our Story
A member of Australia's Hunting Lady Group of companies, ArmaSkin was launched in 2014. Other Hunting Lady brands include Ventou, a leading cycling apparel manufacturer and Sherwood a manufacturer of custom team sports uniforms.
The crux of this Australian developed and manufactured product is that it uses a novel surface treatment on the inside of the ArmaSkin liner sock to help prevent blisters. This process called SiFusion was invented by Vlad Libeson, a member of the family which owns Hunting Lady. After less than 2 years ArmaSkin became Australia's leading liner sock supplier for endurance activities like hiking, running, soccer, tennis and skiing. Since then ArmaSkin has started to expand internationally. ArmaSkin have now been sold to customers in over 30 different countries.
ArmaSkin is a customer focused organisation where customer satisfaction as determined from its annual Customer Satisfaction Survey is the key driver of continuous improvement.
Sales are delivered by a mixed model of direct sales to public via the internet or by a limited number of resellers situated around the globe eg the USA, UK, Denmark, Sweden, Netherlands and Australia.
ArmaSkin runs an Ambassador Program for active outdoors people and athletes who have found ArmaSkin to be effective at preventing their blisters. From time to time we also support ArmaSkin wearers who are undertaking major challenges or helping their communities.
Wearers of ArmaSkin or organisations that wish to explore opportunities with ArmaSkin are encouraged to contact sales@armaskin.com .